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Skribent: Anonym
Emne: Re: Nød, jammer og islamisk fortvivlelse..
Somo, enten er du lige så fuld af løgn som dem, du kopierer fra, eller også forstår du slet ikke, hvad du forurener med af lort på disse sider.
Du ”skrev”:
”When Prophet Muhammad peacefully became the ruler of Arabia, his primary condition for non-Muslims (and Muslims) to reside in Arabia was that they allow all people of all faiths—be they Jews, Christians, Muslims or idol worshipers—to worship in peace and without oppression.”
Selvfølgelig uden kildeangivelse!
Her er så til gengæld noget MED kildeangivelse:
Tabari VIII:130 “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.”
Bukhari:V4B52N288 “Expel disbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula.’”
Islam har ingen plads i et oplyst samfund.