Dear reader
Lets build a worldvide spiritual channel.
At the moment we have netflix and discovery and so on.
But what about a spiritual channel?
I have found this: this was like netflix then I would be a member. Just point me to were I can buy my membership and I will become a member and support you.
I would like to watch this: why not do it like netflix? Make it easy for people to join and watch the programs: would you do things?
I would give people different options. Membership for the poor and membership for the rich = what can you pay or what are you willing to pay? I am in a position to pay 100-200 dollars each month, so...
Any profit should go to good projects.
I know that it is not everybody who can pay 100-200 dollars each month, but if 1.000.000 people were to pay 10 dollars each month then we would have 10.000.000 dollars each month and if we were to save them for 1 year then we would have 120.000.000 dollars and that seems to be a good beginning.
We could say minimum 10 dollars each month (if you cant pay that then you probably dont have a tv, so...)
What do you think about this idea?
We could make a program about gurus in the world...I would point to Sadhguru: would you point to?
Or what about NDE (near-death experience)?
We could make programs about anything we find interesting.
With regard to good projects then we could leave that to competent people (Sadhguru and others comes in mind). Or we could put it out there for people to come with good ideas. It could be beautiful buildings for meditation and so on. Or shelter for the homeless. Or workplaces. Or helping criminals back on their feet. Or providing medical care for those in need. Or...?
The point is that our money goes to good things.
I am just an ordinary human being like yourself and do not have millions of dollars on my account, and I am not interested in being rich. Of course money is good to have in this world, but I would rather be happy...have good relations to people and so on. Yes...I have not been Gods best child...I admit that...but who have been that? Jesus?
Well...I have never meet Jesus, but I have meet Alan Watts: he seems to be one of Gods children.
Just listen to him.
The thing I am getting out of him is this...wake up.
Ps. Er dette skrevet af en sindsyg? Nogle gange føler jeg mig lidt sindsyg

Måske er jeg sindsyg

Det ved jeg nok bedst selv

Så lad mig dog være lidt sindsyg...gør jeg jer fortræd? Engang i min brandert rendte jeg ud mellem bilerne og det var jo ikke særligt smart, men jeg troede sgu at jeg havde superkræfter
Nå har jeg drukket igen og forsøger at sige et eller andet, men det hele går op i hat og briller...slut...jeg må sige noget fornuftigt...lære af mine er det muligt? Som I nok kan høre er jeg i godt humør idag...har lige vundet et lille mesterskab i petanque og det glæder jo den lille dreng...specielt de 3 flasker vin der fulgte med

God dag har det været. Men hvad nu med denne spirituelle kanal? Se...hvis nu I allesammen sagde...det lyder da interesant, så kunne det da godt være at jeg oprettede en hjemmeside og delagtiggjorde resten af verdens befolkning i mine tanker...ahhh...det gør jeg nu nok eller uden jeres samtykke...sådan er jeg jo...løsgænger til fingerspidserne...lad nu ham ABC fare rundt i verden ligesom Gerth...du er nu en god broder...måske vi mødes en dag...har stadigvæk et symbol til dig, men du har ikke udvist videre interesse, så...du kører vist bare dit eget løb. Har tænkt over det med muslimerne og jeg var måske lidt hård ved somo...det beklager jeg. Det er sikkert meget godt at pakke sig ind i slør og tage på pilgrimsrejse...hvad ved jeg? Ikke særligt meget. Jeg kan lige lægge 2 og 2 sammen.
Her til sidst vil jeg gerne gøre lidt reklame for denne tråd: er over det hvad nu med mit kampråb troede lige at jeg var gået i brædderne, men så hørte i denne sang, og kom på andre tanker...slut...det er jo bare gentagelser...kan man skrive noget uden at bruge de samme ord igen og igen...måske Simon kan finde ud af det...hvor er øltegnet...altså ham/hende med en bajer i hånden det 7 tegn
