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Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Lidt af hvert
Tro mig : Intellektet eller hjernen skal ned i hjertets rytme for, at man kan vokse og begribe Helligånden. Helligånden er det, der fylder mellem atomerne og er det livsgivende aspekt. For at vokse skal man derfor åbne døren for Helligånden og det sker i ens inderste rum i hjertechakraet.
Nicolai Berdyaev:
Prophetic mysticism is that of the Holy Spirit. It is Russian mysticisme par excellence. It is inherent in the Russian people and it springs from the spiritual soil of Orthodoxy though the official hierarchy may be hostile to it.... Orthodox mysticism seeks to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit and we find human nature transfigured, illuminated and deified from within. It is the mysticism of the heart which is the centre of life. Therefore the heart must be united to the mind if there is to be any spiritual unity within. Christ enters the human heart and changes the whole nature of man. Man becomes another creature
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