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Skribent: Hanskrist
Jeg er åben for at lære mere visdom resten af mit liv skriver du Gerth, super super,
Her kommer en prøve på om du taler sandt, læs efterfølgende (som er så fyldt med visdom) og forstå det og kom med din reaktion på det (og det gælder også Arne), ja hvis I ikke formår at læse og forstå dette og komme med en positiv tilbagemelding, afslører I begge at jeres ufattelig mange ord her på siden er tomme floskler.
Jeg venter spændt på om I er seriøse.
The third creative revelation in the Spirit will have no holy scripture; it will be no voice from on high; it will be accomplished in man and in humanity - it is an anthropological revelation, an unveiling of the Christology of man . God awaits the anthropological revelation from man and man cannot expect to have it from God. And one cannot merely wait for the third revelation; man must accomplish it himself, living in the Spirit; accomplish it by a free, creative act. In this act everything transcendent will become immanent. The third anthropological revelation, in which the creative mystery of man will be revealed, is man's final freedom. Man is quite free in the revelation of his creativeness. In this fearful freedom lies all the god-like dignity of man, and his dread responsibility. The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch. MCA Nicolai Berdyaev
Creativeness is neither permitted nor justified by religion - creativeness is itselv religion. Creative experience is a special kind of experience and a special kind of way: the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world. .. The creative experience is unique and self-sufficient - it is not something derivative; its roots go into the deepest depths. .. Creativeness is the final revelation of the Holy Trinity - its anthropological revelation. This is a consciousness which has never existed in the world - it is being born in our epoch. Nicolai Berdyaev.
Hertil er længe nok, men har I mod på mere så tag gerne det næste med.
The usual Christian answer, that man's chief end is life in God, cannot satisfy us - it is too general and too formal. Those who give this answer are too much engrossed in the way to the final goal. Rest in God is usually thought of as victory over the evil and sin in human nature, as the extinguishing of this nature, as the absorption of the human by the divine. Man merely makes free within himself a place for God and returns to God's bosom without any profit. There is a fateful tendency toward monophysitism in historic Christianity. It is as though the man who is redeemed from his sins desired that his human nature should cease to exist - that only the divine natur alone should exist. But Christ is God-Man. He redeems and restores human nature to its likeness unto God. Human nature which knows itself, knows its independent and free being, must exist eternally only as a creative and creating nature. Human nature finally justifies itself before the Creator not by extinguishing itself but by its own creative expression. Man must absolutely be. Human nature, redeemed and saved from evil, has a positive human content and a positive human purpose. This content and purpose can be only creativeness. Man's creativeness is connected with the ecstatic element in him. MCA Nicolai Berdyaev.
Albert Schweitzer siger nøjagtig det samme:
Paul's mysticism was not like the mysticism elsewhere described as a soul being at one with God. In the mysticism he felt and encouraged, there is no loss of self but an enriching of it; no erase of time or place but a comprehension of how time and place fit within the eternal. A. Schweitzer.
Folk der søger visdom er ydmyge og de arbejder hårdt, sveder gerne i dagevis over tekster som jeg her har givet jer.
Afviser I og forsætter I som hidtil, afslører I blot som en af mine venner fra Århus Universitet siger, at I hellere vil ornanere, masturbere, gokke den af på jer selv, hele dagen end virkelig lære noget nyt og blive klogere og mere vis.
Jeg tror I begge har hørt om hjernen, den muskel mellem ørerne. Denne muskel kan være slap, slappes mere og mere dag for dag, det vi kalder demens og åndsformørkelse, det modsatte af åndsfriskhed og visdom.
Klogskab er at kunne organisere viden korrekt og visdom er at kunne organisere livet korrekt. Og livet bliver korrekt organiseret i de tekster jeg har givet jer