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Skribent: Anonym
Emne: Re: Angst – Tro – Håb – Kærlighed
Hej Arne
Det var mig, der gav dig citatet af Harris. Men det var da ikke mig, der efterfølgende gav dig en svada - det var en anden anonym.
Jeg ved selvfølgelig godt, hvad du refererede til, da du skrev "agnosticisme":
I remain agnostic on the question of how consciousness is related to the physical world. There are, of course, very good reasons to believe that it is an emergent property of brain activity, just as the rest of the human mind obviously is. But we know nothing about how such a miracle of emergence might occur. And if consciousness were, in fact, irreducible—or even separable from the brain in a way that would give comfort to Saint Augustine—my worldview would not be overturned.
Her er der et par andre citater fra http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-mystery-of-consciousness:
The problem, however, is that no evidence for consciousness exists in the physical world.
Absolutely nothing about a brain, when surveyed as a physical system, suggests that it is a locus of experience.
The idea that everything (matter, space-time, their antecedent causes, and the very laws that govern their emergence) simply sprang into being out of nothing seems worse than a paradox. “Nothing,” after all, is precisely that which cannot give rise to “anything,” let alone “everything.”
Og fra http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-mystery-of-consciousness-ii/:
The problem, however, is that the distance between unconsciousness and consciousness must be traversed in a single stride, if traversed at all. Just as the appearance of something out of nothing cannot be explained by our saying that the first something was “very small,” the birth of consciousness is rendered no less mysterious by saying that the simplest minds have only a glimmer of it. This situation has been characterized as an “explanatory gap” and the “hard problem of consciousness,” and it is surely both.
Man skal være en intelligent mand som Harris for at forstå forskellen på ateisme og agnosticisme. For selv om der er ligheder: Hverken ateisten eller agnostikeren tror aktivt på Gud/guder - så er der også forskel: Ateisten påstår, at Gud/guder ikke findes, mens agnostikeren hævder, at han ikke ved, om Gud/guder findes.
Ateisterne her på siden enten nægter eller kan ikke følge Harris i hans tankegang, fordi de ikke ser nuancerne i diskussionen og blot følger deres følelser/anti-pati mod forskellige ord, de fejlagtigt associerer til religion.
... Men det har du jo opdaget.