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Global Mod,
Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Livskvalitet
Sandhedens mirakel er for mig:
Vores fysiske kropslige biologiske sanselige kosmiske i NATUREN værens TOTALITET engagement/engagerede tilstedeværelse DASEIN eksistens. - hvor vi lever af naturen - spiser naturen - vores egen produktion af permakultur fødevarer.
med dette sandhedens mirakel flyttes vi ud af sindet og hovedet og dette at være passiv tilskuer til livet (turister og stor forbrugere) - hvor tiden blot skal slås ihjel - gå med tidsfordriv - spekulationer grublerier og oplevelser og forbrug - ja vi flyttes eller forløses fra denne neurotiske pseudovirkelighed og over i den konkrete objektive NATUR VIRKELIGHED eller rigtige virkelighed - hvor vi mærker at vi lever
vi gør noget - vi bliver aktive
vi skal have kummefryser igen så vi igennem vores høst har grøntsager og bær hele året rundt og viktualie rum med alskens saft og syltetøj
Every man should have his own plot of land so that the instincts can come to life again. To own land is important psychologically, and there is no substitute for it…. The industrial worker is a pathetic, rootless being, and his remuneration in money is not tangible but abstract…. Because the psychological reward is inadequate, the worker rebels against his employer and against “capitalism” as a whole. We all need nourishment for our psyche. It is impossible to find such nourishment in urban tenements without a patch of green or a blossoming tree. We need a relationship with nature. I am just a culture-coolie myself, but I derive a great deal of pleasure from growing my own potatoes…. A captive animal cannot return to freedom. But our workers can return. We see them doing it in the allotment gardens in and around our cities; these gardens are an expression of love for nature and for one’s own plot of land…. I am fully committed to the idea that human existence should be rooted in the earth.