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Global Mod,
Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Åndelig Føde
Af stor principiel vigtighed
for Thomas og Arne.
jeg erkender, at jeg ikke kan følge dig i din "Ånd og ekstase
om den SPIRITUALITET vi finder hos Paulus - om den må vi sige sammen med Joe Loizzo (og Thomas og Arne Thomsen og folk flest):
"Here, we’ve entered a realm that seems utterly removed from the ascetic calm we think of as essential to meditation , Buddhist or not"
Jeg vil gerne selvbiografisk tilstå at fordi jeg afviger så meget fra vor tids New Age mindfulness meditation's ascetic calm "spiritualitet": the ascetic calm we think of as essential to meditation - er jeg blevet nærmest smidt ud af (eller kommet i konflikt med) samtlige progressive spirituelle vækst samfund i Danmark og eneste sted jeg har følt mig hjemme er i OSHO bevægelsen (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh).
Jeg vil i næste indlæg bringe Paul Tillich's præsentation af Paulus': ECSTATIC DIVINE SPIRIT CHRISTHOLOGY - den urkristne paulinske EKSTATISKE GUD HELLIGÅNDENS KARISMATISKE SPIRITUALITET - den Paulinske KRISTUS Spiritualitet - den PAULINSKE SPIRITUALITET.
Joe Loizzo. Ecstatic Altruism: The Secret Contemplative Art and Science of Tibet:
This brings us to the last and most essential feature of Tantric Buddhism: its reliance on euphoric and ecstatic states to help deepen and speed the work of meditative self-analysis and self-transformation. Here, we’ve entered a realm that seems utterly removed from the ascetic calm we think of as essential to meditation, Buddhist or not, a realm more akin to the otherworldly states of mystics like Saint Theresa of Avila or Saint John of the Cross. Yet the Tibetan take on these states is neither mystifying nor saintly but quite scientific and down-to-earth.
Akin to normal alterations of consciousness like dreamless sleep, orgasm or near-death states, meditation-induced flow states and natural highs can be harnessed to deepen and speed emotional healing and profound transformation. By disarming our minds and nervous systems and priming them for plasticity and learning, such states can empower us to break free of traumatic memories and stress reactions so we can fully realize radical open-mindedness and embody caring responsiveness. Once we’ve mastered this deep, transformational art, we’re free to awaken our native genius for ecstatic openness and to fuel it with our natural spirits of euphoric altruism, gradually forging them into the inspired mind and nervous system of a master altruist.
While the exotic Buddhism of Tibet sees mindfulness and lovingkindness as the foundation of any contemplative life, it also preserves meditative power-tools expressly designed for contemplative life in a stress-driven world. Among these, the role-modeling arts and blissful neuroscience of the Tantras offer what may be the quickest, most effective way to bring contemplative clarity and pure passion to our demanding lifestyle. Given the right guidance and step-by-step system of practice, the ecstatic Buddhism of Tibet offers us an exceptional path of altruistic vision and inspired leadership that may well help us shift the balance of global consciousness toward lasting peace and sustainable happiness before its too late. Citat slut