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Emne: Re: Åndelig Føde
Hej Hanskrist og Arne
Jeg læser artiklerne på afkimel.wordpress.com, som er "Awarded top 100 theology blog". Jeg har fundet noget, som ligger lige i skæringspunktet af vores diskussion.
I arkivet for januar 2013 findes: St Gregory the Theologian: Not Knowing–yet Knowing–the Incomprehensible God - om St. Gregorys forståelse.
I del 3 står følgende:
Gregory does not deny that the biblical saints were given a vision of God; he only denies that they “had taken in the nature, the total vision, of God” (28.18). For Gregory, comprehension expresses cognitive mastery of the object, perfect apprehension, complete knowledge. But the infinite Deity cannot be so grasped and captured by the minds of his creatures. The divine being is inexhaustible. In his goodness God generously presents himself to humanity to be known (28.11), yet there is always more to be known.
God is boundless, incomparable, infinite Being, surpassing time and space and all creaturely existence. In his self-communication he is apprehended by the purified human mind in limited fashion, yet he is nonetheless truly apprehended. If God were totally ungraspable, we would never seek him; yet he gives himself to us to be grasped, however partially, in order to draw us to himself in wonder and love.
“God’s transcendent being overflows, as it were, into our knowledge of him,” writes Beeley, “so that, while God’s infinitude is always a limiting factor, the result is a direct and continuous relationship between God’s being and the human knowledge of God”.
Arne, jeg håber, at du vil være med til at udfolde dit perspektiv, og det vi diskuterer. Vi kender jo godt dit principielle ståsted (som dog også flytter sig nu og da).
Kh Thomas