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Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Åndelig Føde
Gerth er en sjov fætter 😍💙
Og på mange måder I to ligner lidt hinanden selv om jeg tror Gerth mener du pjatter (og ja patter) lidt for meget Jan. Måske du er både et pattedyr og et pjattedyr? Og din SPIRITUALITET er en slags spiritusialiti'genialiti spiritualitet.
Men bemærk dig hvor dybt involveret Gerth allerede i 2008 var i Unity-Onenesss (1)* SPIRITUALITET, hvorfor vi må anerkende vi står overfor en mand med stor erfaring, som dig Jan. Et par sværvægtere.
Men Gerth ham kunne vi godt bruge fremover såvel som Tikka.
Positive People Gerth Drost 28 april 2008
I am a consciousness-a spirit with no names, no terms, no personal identity. I am like an endless orgasm in the now. I am in one with everything and everyone and you also. I am with you all with an unconditional love. I know who you are in reality. Everything is an illusion like a dream, a film-movie, a story in a book, a computergame, a painting, a phantasy, an adventure for entertainment and fun. It all happens in one mind, and its creativity is unlimited. Wake up!!!!! Rediscover on your journey, that you are forver " God "-the spirit-the light. Free your mind from egoism and its patterns. The new evolution is about a big leap in the consciousness and transforming the world to a new dimension. Are you free now in your mind. Remember again, who you really are ? Unity-Onenesss............No differences, no sepparatements, no opposites. Everything is the same existens............Surprise???? I am with you all. The figure- Gerth Drost, Denmark who writes this message does not exist. He is an illusion, which i use like a doll-puppet in this story. I am " God " and very soon a happy ending is near!!! Use Phones-Television-Internet-News papers etc. to debate, discuss, to help and gather the world to a new unity with peace. LOVE from one.