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Emne: Re: Lyset - et forum for spirituelle mennesker...
Hej HansKrist
Tænkte bare at citatet var relevant at have med i samtalen, så...
Noget helt andet...
For jeg vil gerne spørge ind til din forståelse af tingene. Som sådan er det ikke klart for mig, hvor du står henne i forhold til Jesu død på et kors? Skulle han have levet til han døde af naturlige årsager? Hvad er mennesket for en størrelse...
Nu vil jeg læse om Kristologi...
Så kan jeg nok bedre forstå dette...
it is not the spirit of the man Jesus of Nazareth that makes him the Christ, but that it is the Spiritual-Presence, God in him, that possesses and drives his individual spirit. This insight stands guard against a Jesus-theology which makes the man Jesus the object of Christian faith. This can be done in seemingly orthodox terms, as in Pietism, or in humanist terms, as in theological liberalism. Both distort or disregard the Christian message that it is Jesus as the Christ in whom the New Being has appeared. And they contradict Paul's Spirit-Christology, which emphasizes that "the Lord is the Spirit" and that we do not "know" him according to his historical existence (flesh) longer, but only as the Spirit who is alive and present. This saves Christianity from the danger of a heteronomous subjection to an individual. The Christ is Spirit and not law. Har fået printet det ud til løbende læsning...
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