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Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Lyset - et forum for spirituelle mennesker...
Bare et indskud midt i vores debat, der nu med Gerths indlæg har fået lidt struktur.
Buddhistisk meditation mørke sider
Oprindeligt talte vi meditation og her skelnede vi (først Arne gennem Wikipedia og derefter kom jeg med mit syn på sagen) mellem kristen meditation og gængs fx buddhistiske meditationsformer. Derfor jeg finder ovennævnte link interessant.
Paul's mysticism was not like the mysticism elsewhere described as a soul being at one with God. In the mysticism he felt and encouraged, there is no loss of self but an enriching of it; no erase of time or place but a comprehension of how time and place fit within the eternal. A. Schweitzer.
"Ecstasy" ("standing outside one's self)") points to a state of mind which is extraordinary in the sense that the mind transcendens its ordinary situation. Ecstacy is not a negation of reason; it is the state of mind in which reason is beyond itself, that is, beyond its subject-object structure. In being beyond itself reason does not deny itself. "Ecstatic reason" remains reason; it does not receive anything irrational or anti-rational -- which it could not do without self-destruction --- but it transcends the basic condition of finite rationality, the subject-object of structure. This is the state mystics try to reach by ascetic and meditative activities.
At bemærke er at der ingen selvdestruktion finder sted, no loss of self/ego-self. Hukommelsen forbliver intakt som ej heller tankerne eller tænkningen lider overlast.