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Skribent: RoseMarie
Emne: Re: Poetisk fryd..
Hej Simon
Mere Seamus Heaney, jeg er faldet i armene på hans poesi og hviler godt i den :))
The Rain Stick
for Beth and Rand
Upend the rain stick and what happens next Is a music that you never would have known To listen for. In a cactus stalk
Downpour, sluice–rush, spillage and backwash Come flowing through. You stand there like a pipe Being played by water, you shake it again lightly
And diminuendo runs through all its scales Like a gutter stopping trickling. And now here comes A sprinkle of drops out of the freshened leaves,
Then subtle little wets off grass and daisies; Then glitter–drizzle, almost breaths of air. Upend the stick again. What happens next
Is undiminished for having happened once, Twice, ten, a thousand times before. Who cares if all the music that transpires
Is the fall of grit or dry seeds through a cactus? You are like a rich man entering heaven Through the ear of a raindrop. Listen now again.
På min vej faldt jeg over hende her ...
Living things
Our poems Are like the wart-hogs In the zoo It's hard to say Why there should be such creatures
But once our life gets into them As sometimes happens Our poems Turn into living things And there's no arguing With living things They are The way they are
Our poems May be rough Or delicate Little Or great
But always They have inside them A confluence of cries And secret languages
And always They are improvident And free They keep A kind of Sabbath
They play On sooty fire escapes And window ledges
They wander in and out Of jails and gardens They sparkle In the deep mines They sing In breaking waves And rock like wooden cradles.
Anne Porter
... og her er hun, næsten 100 år gammel og med masser af liv i øjnene :))
Aftenhilsner RoseMarie