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Skribent: Simon
Emne: Re: Poetisk fryd..
Fra letters of Samuel Beckett 1929-1940:
In the magic the Homer dusk past the red spire of sanctuary I null and she royal hulk hasten to the violet lamp to the thin K'in music of the bawd. She stands stands before me in the bright stall sustaining the jade splinters the scarred signaculum of purity quiet the eyes the eyes black till the plagal east shall resolve the long night phrase. Then as a scroll, folded, and the glory of her dissolution enlarged in me. Habbakuk, mard of all sinners. Schopenhauer is dead and the bawd puts her lute away.
The lips of her desire are grey and parted like a silk loop threatening a slight wanton wound. She preys wearily on sensitive wild things proud to be torn by the grave crouch of her beauty. But she will die and her snare tendered så patiently to my vigilant sorrow will break and hang in a pitiful crescent.
asylum under my tread all this day their muffled revels as the flesh breaks breaking without fear or favour wind the gantelope of sense and nonsense run taken by the worms for what they are.
- Samuel Beckett, 1934.
Sluttelig - måske i mellemtiden: Waiting for Godot af Samuel Beckett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqpjddXaw4E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiTr7n8kPac
mvh Simon