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Emne: Re: Guds Ord
Hej Arne, Hans og alle andre
Tak for dit svar - og din forklaring. Jeg forsøger, om jeg kan fatte, hvad du skriver.
I en Luthersk forståelse, er Paul blevet forstået sådan, at tro står over gode gerninger. Dvs. "troen" forstået som troen på, at Jesus døde for vores skyld. I den nye forståelse kan "tro" oversættes som trofasthed - vi skal altså være trofaste og rent faktisk følge Jesus ... også ved at gøre gode gerninger! Hvis man læser paulus på en naturlig måde, står dette også klart, vil jeg mene.
Det kan være, at følgende citater kan gøre det bedre, end jeg kunne:
Boundary markers are observances such as circumcision, food laws, the sabbath etc. that separated the Jews from the Gentiles. One could distinguish who was a Jew or Gentile by seeing who followed these laws. Specifically, this set up the boundaries of identifying who were and were not God's people.
when Paul criticized the Jews for adhering to "works of the law," he was referring to these "boundary markers" rather than a system of works-righteousness, as is presumed in the traditional understanding of Paul's arguments.
An ongoing debate related to the "new" perspective has been over Paul's use of the Greek word pistis (πίστις, meaning "trust", "belief", "faith", or "faithfulness"). Writers with a more historic Lutheran and Reformed perspective have typically interpreted this word as meaning a belief in God and Christ, and trust in Christ for salvation with faith that he will save you. This interpretation is based on several passages from the Christian Bible, notably Ephesians 2:8–9, which reads, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." Interestingly, E. P. Sanders, notes that Ephesians 2:9 teaches the traditional perspectives.
By contrast, many recent studies of the Greek word pistis have concluded that its primary and most common meaning was faithfulness, meaning firm commitment in an interpersonal relationship. As such, the word could be almost synonymous with "obedience" when the people in the relationship held different status levels (e.g. a slave being faithful to his master). Far from being equivalent to "lack of human effort", the word seems to imply and require human effort. The interpretation of Paul's writings that we need to "faithfully" obey God's commands is quite different from one which sees him saying that we need to have "faith" that he will do everything for us. This is also argued to explain why James was adamant that "faith without works is dead" and that "a man is saved by works, and not by faith alone", while also saying that to merely believe places one on the same level as the demons (see James 2). The "new" perspective argues that James was concerned with those who were trying to reduce faith to an intellectual subscription without any intent to follow God or Jesus, and that Paul always intended "faith" to mean a full submission to God. (Min fremhævning).
Med hensyn til The examplar theory eller The moral influence theory vil jeg også bringe nogle citater:
Basically, the theory answers the question “how does Jesus save?” by saying, “Jesus is the paradigmatic example of a holy life.” In other words, Jesus saves us from a bad life by showing us how to live a good life.
Forsvaret for denne teori er temmelig smuk, synes jeg. Angrebene består i at sige, at hvis Jesus blot var en moral-lærer, hvad særligt er han så? Der har været andre moral-lærere før ham. Vi har brug for en Frelser, lyder det. Forsvaret er nu:
The Moral Exemplar theory of atonement doesn’t say we are saved by Jesus’ teachings, but by his example. It isn’t only what Jesus said that is salvific in this understanding it is the entire pattern of his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus’ example doesn’t give us a list of instructions, it provides us a trajectory, a paradigm, a narrative to live into. Jesus as Moral Exemplar becomes the context which reframes our entire existence. Incarnation, Mission, Crucifixion, Resurrection – these become the sea we swim in, the grammar that structures our every waking moment.
Selve historien om Jesus, narrativen, kan bringe Jesus til live i os. Transformere os her i verden i vores liv. Det er ikke blot intellektuel dogmetro, men personlig forvandling.
Det er heller ikke blot leveregler, en tjekliste, en forandring af adfærden - men en forvandling af selve karakteren.
Vi skal altså ikke blot tro intellektuelt på nogle dogmer, men - som nævnt i forbindelse med The New Perspektive on Paul - være trofaste og følge Jesus og lade os transformere i dybet af os selv af det paradigmeskift, han bringer ind i verden.
Jeg inspireres mere af oplevelsen af den guddommelige kærlighed (og moralen fødes for mig naturligt deraf).
Jeg prøver at nærme mig en forståelse, hvor din og min position mødes. Jeg aner, at Nicholas Thomas Wright (N. T. Wright) er en hjælp i så henseende. Som vores dialog skrider frem, håber jeg, at vi får uddybet dette tema yderligere.
Følgende citat er derfor til dig, Arne: “When we learn to read the story of Jesus and see it as the story of the love of God, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves--that insight produces, again and again, a sense of astonished gratitude which is very near the heart of authentic Christian experience.” ― N.T. Wright
Det næste ord i bjergprædiken lyder:
Salige er de, som stifter fred, for de skal kaldes Guds børn.
Hvis vi skal tro fortællingen om Jesus, så består det at skabe fred ikke blot i at afstå fra diskussion og lege relativist - "jaja, det du siger, er lige så godt som det, jeg siger ... vi har alle ret". At skabe fred kan på overfladen skabe kamp, uenighed, splid. Men Jesus så et folk uden hyrde, og han forsvarede dem med Guds Sandhed. Den religiøse elite brød sig ikke om det. kampen var uundgåelig. Men tænk hvis Jesus ikke havde gjort, hvad han gjorde?!
Kærlig hilsen Thomas