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Skribent: treram
Emne: Re: Mellemrummet

Lord Byron gave us this 1805: The First Kiss of Love.

Away with your fictions of flimsy romance;
Those tissues of falsehood wich fully has wove!
Give me the mild beam of the soul-breathing
Or the rapture which dwells on the first kiss of love.

Ye rhymers, whose bosoms with phantasy glow,
Whose pastoral passions are made for the grove;
From what blest inspiration your sonnets would flow
Could you ever have tasted the first kiss of love!

If Apollo should eér his assistance refuse,
Or the Nine be disposed from your service to rove,
Invoke them no more, bid adien to the muse,
And try the effect of the first kiss of love!

I hate you, ye cold compositions of art;
Though prudes may condemn me,and bigots reprove,
I caught the effusions that spring from the hearth
Which throbs with delight to the first kiss of love!

Your shepherds, your flocks, those fantastical themes,
Perhaps may amuse,yet they never can move,
Arcadia displays but a region of dreams,
What are visions like these to the first kiss of love?

Oh!cease to affirm that man, since his birth,
From Adam till now, has with wretchedness strove:
Some portion of paradise still is on earth,
And Eden revives in the first kiss of love.

When ages chills the blood, when our pleasures are past,
For years fleet away with the wings of the dove,
The dearest remembrace will still be the last,
Our sweetest memorial the first kiss of love.
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