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Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Den Evige Filosofi

The self-integration of life in the dimension of spirit: morality, or the constitution of the personal self:

In man complete centredness is essentially given, but it is not actually given until man actualizes it in freedom and through destiny. The act in which man actualizes his essential centredness is the moral act. Morality is the function of life by which the realm of the spirit comes into being. Morality is the constitutive function of spirit. A moral act, therefore, is not an act in which some divine or human law is obeyed but an act in which life integrates itself in the dimension of spirit, and this means as personality within a community. Morality is the function of life in which the centered self constitutes itself as a person; it is the totality of those acts in which a potentially personal life process becomes an actual person. Such acts happen continuously in a personal life; the constitution of the person as a person never comes to an end during his whole life process. Paul Tillich.

A moral act, therefore, is not an act in which some divine or human law is obeyed but an act in which life integrates itself in the dimension of spirit, and this means as personality within a community.

Håber ham disse ord er møntet på formår at læse hvad der står og blot gider være en smule kritisk og gentænke sin egen moralisme der er så u-moralsk og fyldt med ansvarsforflygtigelse og ja som ikke magter at constituere manden som person, men som gør ham til en dukke, marionetdukke, uden den frihed og ansvarlighed der kendetegner åndens dimension.

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