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En BBC-dokumentar om Pam Reynolds viser en NDE (near-death-experience)/nærdødsoplevelse under kliniske forhold.
Der skulle en hjerneoperation til for at redde hende, men operationen krævede, at hun var klinisk død i en time. Pams hjerte og vejrtrækning stoppede, hendes hjernebølger blev "flade" på monitoren. Hun var uden hjerneaktivitet. Blodet blev drænet fra hovedet.
Wikipedia, udpluk:
Reynolds was under close medical monitoring during the entire operation. During part of the operation she had no brain-wave activity and no blood flowing in her brain, which left her clinically dead. She made several observations about the procedure which later were confirmed by medical personnel as surprisingly accurate.
This famous near-death experience claim is considered by many to be proof of the reality of the survival of consciousness after death, and of a life after death.
During this procedure, also known as a standstill operation, her body temperature was lowered to 60 °F (16 °C), her breathing and heartbeat were stopped and the blood was drained from her head. Her eyes were closed with tape. Small ear plugs with speakers were plugged in her ears. These speakers emitted audible clicks which were used to check the function of the brain stem to ensure that she had a flat EEG (a non-responsive brain) before the operation proceeded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pam_Reynolds_%28singer%29
Tilfældet med Pam Reynolds viser, at de modeller, der forbinder bevidsthed strengt med det materielle, hjernen, er utilstrækkelige.
Undervejs i afsnittet fortæller Pam ... Pam oplever lys i sin klinisk døde tilstand og spørger pårørende (sjæle), om det er Gud. Hun får svaret, at lyset er det, der sker, når Gud trækker vejret. Og det går op for Pam, at hun står i Guds åndedræt.
Eftertekst fra afsnittet: This experience had a profound effect on Pam.
She told she became more idealistic and less judgemental. Once a colorful dresser, she chose more subdued clothing. A self-described born again liberal christian, she said she did not pretend to know the nature of God. "But I know for a fact that God exists and permeates everything", she said.
Mr. Lowery (Pat's husband) said his wife got a highly developed sense of empathy. "She could be standing in line in a grocery store and detect people there who was troubled, some of them so much it could move her to tears", he said.
Mike Dyche, a fellow singer-songwriter: "After her near-death experience she would call me from time to time to found out if something was bothering me and she would be right! In her phone conversations, she would describe the rooms of my house even though she'd never been in it."
Fred, Thomas