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Emne: Re: Kritikkens præmisser
Hej HansKrist
Jeg har ikke læst Paul Tillich. Men jeg kan se, hvis jeg søger på ham, at han både er metafysisk og psykologisk orienteret. Er det korrekt?
Følgende citat af Tillich er fundet på Wiki:
For "being" remains the content, the mystery, and the eternal aporia of thinking. No theology can suppress the notion of being as the power of being. One cannot separate them. In the moment in which one says that God is or that he has being, the question arises as to how his relation to being is understood. The only possible answer seems to be that God is being-itself, in the sense of the power of being or the power to conquer nonbeing.
Det minder meget om David Bentley Harts tanker om Gud og Væren. Følgende citat er fundet på nettet og skulle være fra hans bog The Experience of God.
God is the source and ground of being and the wellspring of all consciousness, but also therefore the final cause of all creation, the end toward which all beings are moved, the power of infinite being that summons all things into existence from nothingness and into union with itself; and God manifests himself as such in the ecstasies of rational nature toward the absolute.
Kh Thomas