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Emne: Re: Bibelen Leth Fortalt - Thomas og Tikka
Bibelen Leth Fortalt: Den første Pinse og Helligånden
Kristian Leth overgår sig selv i dagens P1 Radio podcast: Bibelen Leth Fortalt: Den første Pinse og Helligånden - brug link ovenfor.
Hvis nogle ønsker at forstå kristendommen så er dagens P1 Radio podcast "Bibelen Leth Fortalt: Den første Pinse og Helligånden" intet mindre end fremragende.
Næste gang i Bibelen Leth Fortalt - bliver det om Paulus og Helligånden.
Go Pinse allesammen 💕🔥❤️
Og må Ånden være med jer - over jer allesammen.
Herren Jesu Kristi nåde og Guds Kærlighed og Helligåndens fællesskab være med jer alle.
Det skal ske derefter: Jeg vil udgyde min ånd over alle mennesker. Jeres sønner og døtre skal profetere, jeres gamle skal have drømme, jeres unge skal se syner. Selv over jeres trælle og trælkvinder vil jeg udgyde min ånd i de dage. Joel 3, 1 - 2.
Og selvfølgelig bliver dette sted citeret i Apostlenes Gerninger
Guds Kærlighed KRISTUS er udgydt i vore hjerter ved HELLIGÅNDEN som er givet os. Paulus
Pinse hilsen fra Nicolai Berdyaev:
The third creative revelation in the Spirit will have no holy scripture ; it will be no voice from on high; it will be accomplished in man and in humanity - it is an anthropological revelation, an unveiling of the Christology of man .
God awaits the anthropological revelation from man and man cannot expect to have it from God. And one cannot merely wait for the third revelation; man must accomplish it himself, living in the Spirit; accomplish it by a free, creative act. In this act everything transcendent will become immanent. The third anthropological revelation, in which the creative mystery of man will be revealed, is man's final freedom. Man is quite free in the revelation of his creativeness. In this fearful freedom lies all the god-like dignity of man, and his dread responsibility. The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch. MCA
Creativeness is neither permitted nor justified by religion - creativeness is itselv religion. Creative experience is a special kind of experience and a special kind of way: the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world. .. The creative experience is unique and self-sufficient - it is not something derivative; its roots go into the deepest depths. .. Creativeness is the final revelation of the Holy Trinity - its anthropological revelation. This is a consciousness which has never existed in the world - it is being born in our epoch.
Christianity makes God immanent in human nature and hence cannot admit a completely transcendent separation between this world and the next. MCA