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Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: tegn og begivenheder / beviser på islam


Muslimer respekterer og elsker Jesus inderligt, men de tilbeder ham ikke.

Ud fra Paulus skriver Paul Tillich:

it is not the spirit of the man Jesus of Nazareth that makes him jeg Christ, but that it is the Spiritual-Presence, God in him, that possesses and drives his individual spirit. This insight stands guard against a Jesus-theology which makes the man Jesus the object of Christian faith. (1)* This can be done in seemingly orthodox terms, as in Pietism, or in humanist terms, as in theological liberalism. Both distort or disregard the Christian message that it is Jesus as the Christ in whom the New Being has appeared. And they contradict Paul's Spirit-Christology, which emphasizes that "the Lord is the Spirit" and that we do not "know" him according to his historical existence (flesh) longer, but only as the Spirit who is alive and present. This saves Christianity from the danger of a heteronomous subjection to an individual. The Christ is Spirit and not law.


Paul Tillich:
The worth "faith" cannot be applied to the Christ unless it is taken in its biblical meaning of a Spiritual reality in itself.

The faith of the Christ is the state of being grasped unambiguously by the Spiritual Presence.

Paulus siger det smukt i 2 Kor 3:

I er et Kristus-brev, der er blevet til ved vores tjeneste, ikke skrevet med blæk, men med den levende Guds ånd, ikke på tavler af sten, men i hjerter, på tavler af kød og blod.
En sådan tillid har vi til Gud ved Kristus. Ikke at vi af os selv duer til at udtænke noget, som kom det fra os selv; at vi duer til noget, skyldes Gud, som også har gjort os duelige til at være tjenere for en ny pagt, ikke bogstavens, men Åndens; for bogstaven slår ihjel, men Ånden gør levende. 2 Kor 3.

Nicolai Berdyaev:

The third creative revelation in the Spirit will have no holy scripture ; it will be no voice from on high; it will be accomplished in man and in humanity - it is an anthropological revelation, an unveiling of the Christology of man . God awaits the anthropological revelation from man and man cannot expect to have it from God. And one cannot merely wait for the third revelation; man must accomplish it himself, living in the Spirit; accomplish it by a free, creative act. In this act everything transcendent will become immanent. The third anthropological revelation, in which the creative mystery of man will be revealed, is man's final freedom. Man is quite free in the revelation of his creativeness. In this fearful freedom lies all the god-like dignity of man, and his dread responsibility. The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch.

Christianity makes God immanent in human nature and hence cannot admit a completely transcendent separation between this world and the next.

Creativeness is neither permitted nor justified by religion - creativeness is itselv religion. Creative experience is a special kind of experience and a special kind of way: the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world. .. The creative experience is unique and self-sufficient - it is not something derivative; its roots go into the deepest depths. .. Creativeness is the final revelation of the Holy Trinity - its anthropological revelation. This is a consciousness which has never existed in the world - it is being born in our epoch.

the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world

the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world

the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world
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