Hej Ole Bjørn!Nice try!.
Den anvendte logik jeg refererer til er den moderne symbolske logik der ligger til grund for enhver matematik samt mængdelæren.
Du burde nok prøve at sætte dig lidt bedre ind i tingene inden du fyrer dit standardvås iblandet grundløse påstande af:
"Quantum logic has been proposed as the correct logic for propositional inference generally, most notably by the philosopher Hilary Putnam, at least at one point in his career.
This thesis was an important ingredient in Putnam's paper Is Logic Empirical? in which he analysed the epistemological status of the rules of propositional logic. Putnam attributes the idea that anomalies associated to quantum measurements originate with anomalies in the logic of physics itself to the physicist David Finkelstein.
It should be noted, however, that this idea had been around for some time and had been revived several years earlier by George Mackey's work on group representations and symmetry.
The more common view regarding quantum logic, however, is that it provides a formalism for relating observables, system preparation filters and states. In this view, the quantum logic approach resembles more closely the C*-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics; in fact with some minor technical assumptions it can be subsumed by it.
The similarities of the quantum logic formalism to a system of deductive logic may then be regarded more as a curiosity than as a fact of fundamental philosophical importance.
Ole Bjørn synes at være faldet i et kaninhul på jagt efter en hvid kanin. En magisk kanin som kan opfylde hans inderste længsel, drømmen om en logik, der er så paradoksal, at ingen i hele verden nogenside kan bevise, at han tager fejl. Uanset hvad han siger.
Til forskel fra Alice mener bjørnen, at de mystiske absurde væsener og fænomener han møder i eventyrland er virkeligheden. Den virkelighed han altid har længtes efter og som han føler sig hjemme i.
Det er forskellen mellem Alice og bjørnen. Den sover fortsat vinterhi i eventyrland, mens den drømmer, at den er vågen, mens Alice trods alt vågnede op igen fra fantasierne og vendte tilbage til den reale virkelighed.
Ipso Facto ![pifter pifter](/debat/images/graemlins/default/whistle.gif)
"Alice: I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!" - Alice støder på identitetsproblemet. Hvem er hun, hvem er Ole Bjørn?