Selv Tikka har rost dig Thomas
Og jeg må også gøre det igen igen
Og et og andet sted nyder jeg at I to, Tikka (
+ ABC Arne Gerth og de på sidelinjen der læser med) og du Thomas læser i Bibelen.
Jeg ser ingen grænser for hvor store fremskridt du vil kunne gøre i KRISTUS
Irettesættelse er godt, men opmuntring er endnu bedre, og som sådan er du en stor pædagog Thomas
Du får virkelig det bedste frem i folk, om det er Tikka ABC Arne Gerth eller HansKrist
De evner har jeg slet ikke når jeg skal omgås folk på debatterne
Hold da op så positiv Berdyaev er overfor nok Orthodoxy Spiritualitet mere end den ortodokse kirke som om ikke den russiske revolution var kommet i vejen havde en retssag klar mod Berdyaev.
Han slutter af som jeg kender ham, med en go evne til at se styrkerne i begge de to tre store Kirker retninger.
The recognition of Orthodoxy's exclusive spiritual significance as a more pure form of Christianity must not engender self-satisfaction within it and lead to a rejection of the meaning of Western Christianity. On the contrary, we must aquaint ourselves with Western Christianity and learn many things from it. We must strive towards Christian unity. Orthodoxy is a good basis for Christian unity. But Orthodoxy suffered less from secularization and thus can contribute an immeasurable amount towards the Christianization of the world. The Christianization of the world must not mean a secularization of Christianity. Christianity can not be isolated from the world and it continues to move within it, without separation, and while remaining in the world it must be the conqueror of the world and not be conquered by it.
At Putin forsøger at alliere sig med Berdyaev er en kendt sag, men det er også sikkert og vist om Berdyaev havde levet i Putins Rusland var han for længst blevet gjort tavs, blevet henrettet under mystiske omstændigheder. Så Putin og Berdyaev er en søgt falsk forening.
Berdyaev slår til lyd for en kristen antropologi, KRISTOLOGISK ANTROPOLOGI og med Tillich og mine egne ringe åndsevner, jeg har opdaget kirkefædrenes store fejl, nemlig at kristologien kun gælder Jesus og ikke os alle i KRISTUS som det tydeligvis gør for Paulus, hvor der virkelig er tale om en KRISTOLOGISK Antropologi for alle i KRISTUS, de nye skabninger vi er i KRISTUS.
Også derfor jeg kan begynde et af mine indlæg som følger:
Rudolf Steiner ❤️
Jørgen Braren Lauritzen taler heldigvis om Kristus-mystik eller Kristusbevidsthed ud fra Rudolf Steiner. Citat slut.
Jeg fandt en stor inspiration her.
Vi skal have større fokus på den KRISTOLOGISKE ANTROPOLOGI. Vi skal være på vagt overfor bibelfundamentalisme og Jesus-teologi og prøve at forstå Paulus SPIRIT CHRISTOLOGY.
Nu vi lige havde Kristi Himmelfartsdag igår og vi nærmer os pinse, så lad os få disse ord fra Berdyaev:
The third creative revelation in the Spirit will have no holy scripture ; it will be no voice from on high; it will be accomplished in man and in humanity - it is an anthropological revelation, an unveiling of the Christology of man . God awaits the anthropological revelation from man and man cannot expect to have it from God. And one cannot merely wait for the third revelation; man must accomplish it himself, living in the Spirit; accomplish it by a free, creative act. In this act everything transcendent will become immanent. The third anthropological revelation, in which the creative mystery of man will be revealed, is man's final freedom. Man is quite free in the revelation of his creativeness. In this fearful freedom lies all the god-like dignity of man, and his dread responsibility. The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch.
The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch.
The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch.
The virtue of accepting a dangerous position, the virtue of daring to do, is the basic virtue of the creative epoch.
Creativeness is neither permitted nor justified by religion - creativeness is itselv religion. Creative experience is a special kind of experience and a special kind of way: the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world. .. The creative experience is unique and self-sufficient - it is not something derivative; its roots go into the deepest depths. .. Creativeness is the final revelation of the Holy Trinity - its anthropological revelation. This is a consciousness which has never existed in the world - it is being born in our epoch.
the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world.
the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world.
the creative ecstasy shatters the whole of man's being - it is an out-breaking into another world.

Her er Berdyaev noget mere radikal end i sit skrift såvidt ortodoks spiritualitet mere end nok den ortodokse kirke og hvad den stod for.