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#21330 - 29/08/2016 08:33 Re: Velduft fra Hans ordsprog [Re: Anonym]
somo Offline
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
Indlæg: 1418

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them."
(Quran 8:12)

"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah."
Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)

"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
Jesus (Matthew 5:44)

Andre sammenligninger af islam og kristendommen:

Allah does not love
those who reject Islam.
(Quran 30:45, 3:32, 22:38)

God loves everyone.
(John 3:16)

Kill the infidels and the polytheists in the Holy Qur'an for several specific reasons and specific conditions

If someone assaults you and kill your children and your relatives and your package from your country by force
What will you do?

This exactly happened in the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

Polytheists and infidels tortured new Muslims unjustly

Killing infidels owners of the Messenger of Allah, without the right

Prevent the infidels from Muslim food and drink without the right

Infidels and take their money home without the right

Get out the infidels of Mecca, the Prophet without the right

Imagine with me all these terrible acts occurred

Only because they are Muslims

Therefore, the revelation came through Jibreel to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

State in the Holy Qur'an

Must fight the polytheists as mohammed they killed unduly

You mohammed you have the right to kill them

36. Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islamic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein, and fight against the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) collectively , as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allah is with those who are Al-Muttaqun

The peaceful infidels should not fight them or kill them at all

We have to talk to them about the message of Islam to respect

8. Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity.
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#21333 - 30/08/2016 09:11 Re: Velduft fra Hans ordsprog [Re: somo]
somo Offline
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
Indlæg: 1418
Moderation in Human Relations

“Love your friend moderately lest he becomes your enemy one day, and hate your enemy moderately lest he becomes your friend one day!” Tirmidhi

When we get extremely close to people and lower our guard by letting them know every detail of our life, trusting them with everything, a day can come when we regret because they can hold us ransom with what they know about us if the friendship is broken f…or some reason.

At times we cannot correct people because we have allowed them to get so close to us that they would use against us some of what they know of us.

Similarly when we dislike someone, we should never oppress them or do something unbecoming of a true believer as a day may come when a strong friendship is developed between us and we are embarrassed by past actions.

Amazing piece of advice which is worth pondering over and making good use of in our lives. An enemy can become a very great friend or relative and a friend can become a fierce enemy.

“The Almighty is all able to create between you and your enemies a strong bond of friendship for indeed Allah is All Able, Allah is Most Forgiving Most Merciful

Media and Islam: War or Peace - Dr. Zakir Naik
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#21335 - 30/08/2016 17:40 Re: Velduft fra Hans ordsprog [Re: somo]
Simon Offline
Registeret: 04/04/2008
Indlæg: 3512
Du ka godt spare dig! Dette med at elske alle ihjel gjorde kristendommen til en dyd længe før din parfumereligion dér så dagens lys – men så igen, er den jo heller ikke andet end kopier af tidligere religiøse skrifter…;)

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#21366 - 06/09/2016 08:48 Re: Velduft fra Hans ordsprog [Re: Simon]
somo Offline
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
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Islam Vs Terrorism | Khalid Yasin (Part 1 of 2)
Islam Vs Terrorism | Khalid Yasin (Part 2 of 2)
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#21431 - 16/09/2016 08:42 Re: Velduft fra Hans ordsprog [Re: somo]
somo Offline
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
Indlæg: 1418
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful

It is related that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said ‘If the one passing in front of the one praying knew what was against him, his waiting forty would be better for him than passing in front of him.’ [Bukhari] Abu al-Nadr, one of the sub narrators, said ‘I don’t know whether he said forty days, or months or years’. In a version narrated by al-Bazzar the hadith reads ‘forty autumns’.

The offence being as serious as it is, the scholars defined what constitutes passing in front of somebody praying. If the one praying is in an open space or a large mosque, the scholars differed concerning what is considered passing in front, both opinions being deemed strong and follow-able.

One opinion is that it is passing by his place of prostration, such that if one where to pass in front of him but beyond his immediate place of prostration there would be no sin upon one. The other opinion, which is ibn Abidins preference, is that one would be considered passing in front if one is within the field of vision of the one praying if his eyes were fixed on his place of prostration.

If the one praying is in a room or a small mosque then one will be sinful for passing in front regardless of how far in front of him one is. Ibn Abidin defines a small mosque as being forty cubits.

However, is the one passing in front always to blame?

The possible scenarios that may occur are four,

1. The one passing has an alternative to passing in front and the one praying did not pray in a place where he is in people’s way.
-In this case the sin is only on the one passing.

2. The one passing has no alternative to passing and the one praying was in a place where he would be in people’s way.
-The sin in this case is solely on the one praying.

3. The one passing has an alternative to passing in front and the one praying was in a place where he would get in people’s way.
-The sin is on both of them.

4. Neither does the one passing have an alternative nor is the one praying in people’s way. -The sin is on neither of them.

In all of these cases the one passing in front would be free from sin if the one praying were to keep a sutra in front of him. A sutra is an object of about a cubit in height that one places in front of one as one prays.

One last scenario that is relevant to mention is that if someone prays near the entrance of the mosque or without filling in the gaps in the row in front, one can walk in front of him to fill in the gaps. [Radd al-Muhtar, 1:427, Dar Li Ihya al-Turath al-‘Arabi]

Looking now to the question at hand, if the mosque is considered a large mosque then there is no problem at all as there is no harm in walking in front of somebody by a few

metres in a small mosque. If it is not a large mosque then there still is no sin on the men as they are walking to fill in the rows which they can not do with out walking in front of the women.
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